NYC Reads 365

Read Aloud 15 Minutes Campaign Poster

As education researcher
Bernice Cullinan writes,
“No one assigns it;
no one requires a report;
no one checks on comprehension.”

NYC Reads 365's Mission

This city initiative, sponsored by the NYC Department of Education, is aimed at encouraging kids to read for fun by helping them find interesting high quality books for independent reading.

Every book a child reads is one stepping stone on a lifelong journey of learning and growth.

How do we move kids from aversion and reluctance towards reading to enthusiasm and self-motivation?

The first step is helping kids find a book they truly enjoy, whether it be a graphic novel or a book about animals, giddy romance fiction or a heart-stopping zombie adventure, or just a great story about characters they recognize, perhaps even from their own neighborhood.

The second step is giving kids the space and time and encouragement to read that book -- no strings attached.

Reading Lists
By Grade Level